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Text File | 2001-09-26 | 41.7 KB | 1,022 lines |
- *map.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 26
- VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar
- Key mapping, abbreviations and user-defined commands.
- This subject is introduced in sections |05.3|, |24.7| and |40.1| of the user
- manual.
- 1. Key mapping |key-mapping|
- 2. Abbreviations |abbreviations|
- 3. Local mappings and functions |script-local|
- 4. User-defined commands |user-commands|
- ==============================================================================
- 1. Key mapping *key-mapping* *mapping* *macro*
- Key mapping is used to change the meaning of typed keys. The most common use
- is to define a sequence commands for a function key. Example: >
- :map <F2> a<C-R>=strftime("%c")<CR><Esc>
- This appends the current date and time after the cursor. (in <> notation |<>|)
- There are commands to enter new mappings, remove mappings and list mappings.
- See |map-overview| for the various forms of "map" and their relationships with
- modes.
- {lhs} means left-hand-side *{lhs}*
- {rhs} means right-hand-side *{rhs}*
- :map {lhs} {rhs} *:map*
- :nm[ap] {lhs} {rhs} *:nm* *:nmap*
- :vm[ap] {lhs} {rhs} *:vm* *:vmap*
- :om[ap] {lhs} {rhs} *:om* *:omap*
- :map! {lhs} {rhs} *:map!*
- :im[ap] {lhs} {rhs} *:im* *:imap*
- :lm[ap] {lhs} {rhs} *:lm* *:lmap*
- :cm[ap] {lhs} {rhs} *:cm* *:cmap*
- Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} for the modes
- where the map command applies. The result, including
- {rhs}, is then further scanned for mappings. This
- allows for nested and recursive use of mappings.
- :no[remap] {lhs} {rhs} *:no* *:noremap*
- :nn[oremap] {lhs} {rhs} *:nn* *:nnoremap*
- :vn[oremap] {lhs} {rhs} *:vn* *:vnoremap*
- :ono[remap] {lhs} {rhs} *:ono* *:onoremap*
- :no[remap]! {lhs} {rhs} *:no!* *:noremap!*
- :ino[remap] {lhs} {rhs} *:ino* *:inoremap*
- :lno[remap] {lhs} {rhs} *:ln* *:lnoremap*
- :cno[remap] {lhs} {rhs} *:cno* *:cnoremap*
- Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} for the modes
- where the map command applies. Disallow mapping of
- {rhs}, to avoid nested and recursive mappings. Often
- used to redefine a command. {not in Vi}
- :unm[ap] {lhs} *:unm* *:unmap*
- :nun[map] {lhs} *:nun* *:nunmap*
- :vu[nmap] {lhs} *:vu* *:vunmap*
- :ou[nmap] {lhs} *:ou* *:ounmap*
- :unm[ap]! {lhs} *:unm!* *:unmap!*
- :iu[nmap] {lhs} *:iu* *:iunmap*
- :lu[nmap] {lhs} *:lu* *:lunmap*
- :cu[nmap] {lhs} *:cu* *:cunmap*
- Remove the mapping of {lhs} for the modes where the
- map command applies. The mapping may remain defined
- for other modes where it applies.
- Note: Trailing spaces are included in the {lhs}. This
- unmap does NOT work: >
- :map @@ foo
- :unmap @@ | print
- :mapc[lear] *:mapc* *:mapclear*
- :nmapc[lear] *:nmapc* *:nmapclear*
- :vmapc[lear] *:vmapc* *:vmapclear*
- :omapc[lear] *:omapc* *:omapclear*
- :mapc[lear]! *:mapc!* *:mapclear!*
- :imapc[lear] *:imapc* *:imapclear*
- :lmapc[lear] *:lmapc* *:lmapclear*
- :cmapc[lear] *:cmapc* *:cmapclear*
- Remove ALL mappings for the modes where the map
- command applies. {not in Vi}
- Warning: This also removes the default mappings.
- :map
- :nm[ap]
- :vm[ap]
- :om[ap]
- :map!
- :im[ap]
- :lm[ap]
- :cm[ap]
- List all key mappings for the modes where the map
- command applies. Note that ":map" and ":map!" are
- used most often, because they include the other modes.
- :map {lhs} *:map_l*
- :nm[ap] {lhs} *:nmap_l*
- :vm[ap] {lhs} *:vmap_l*
- :om[ap] {lhs} *:omap_l*
- :map! {lhs} *:map_l!*
- :im[ap] {lhs} *:imap_l*
- :lm[ap] {lhs} *:lmap_l*
- :cm[ap] {lhs} *:cmap_l*
- List the key mappings for the key sequences starting
- with {lhs} in the modes where the map command applies.
- {not in Vi}
- These commands are used to map a key or key sequence to a string of
- characters. You can use this to put command sequences under function keys,
- translate one key into another, etc. See |:mkexrc| for how to save and
- restore the current mappings.
- *:map-local* *:map-<buffer>* *E224* *E225*
- If the first argument to one of these commands is "<buffer>" it will apply to
- mappings locally to the current buffer only. Example: >
- :map <buffer> ,w /[.,;]<CR>
- Then you can map ",w" to something else in another buffer: >
- :map <buffer> ,w /[#&!]<CR>
- The local buffer mappings are used before the global ones.
- *:map-<silent>* *:map-silent*
- To define a mapping which will not be echoed on the command line, add
- "<silent>" as the first argument. Example: >
- :map <silent> ,h /Header<CR>
- The search string will not be echoed when using this mapping. Messages from
- the executed command are still given though. To shut them up too, add a
- ":silent" in the executed command: >
- :map <silent> ,h :exe ":silent normal /Header\r"<CR>
- Prompts will still be given, e.g., for inputdialog().
- *:map-<script>* *:map-script*
- If the first argument to one of these commands is "<script>" and it is used to
- define a new mapping or abbreviation, the mapping will only remap characters
- in the {rhs} using mappings that were defined local to a script, starting with
- "<SID>". This can be used to avoid that mappings from outside a script
- interfere (e.g., when CTRL-V is remapped in mswin.vim), but do use other
- mappings defined in the script.
- Note: ":map <script>" and ":noremap <script>" do the same thing. The
- "<script>" overrules the command name. Using ":noremap <script>" is
- preferred, because it's clearer that remapping is (mostly) disabled.
- *:map-<unique>* *E226* *E227*
- If the first argument to one of these commands is "<unique>" and it is used to
- define a new mapping or abbreviation, the command will fail if the mapping or
- abbreviation already exists. Example: >
- :map <unique> ,w /[#&!]<CR>
- When defining a local mapping, there will also be a check if a global map
- already exists which is equal.
- Example of what will fail: >
- :map ,w /[#&!]<CR>
- :map <buffer> <unique> ,w /[.,;]<CR>
- "<buffer>", "<silent>", "<script>" and "<unique>" can be used in any order.
- They must appear right after the command, before any other arguments.
- There are five sets of mappings
- - For Normal mode: When typing commands.
- - For Visual mode: When typing commands while the Visual area is highlighted.
- - For Operator-pending mode: When an operator is pending (after "d", "y", "c",
- etc.). Example: ":omap { w" makes "y{" work like "yw" ad "d{" like "dw".
- - For Insert mode. These are also used in Replace mode.
- - For Command-line mode: When entering a ":" or "/" command.
- There are no separate mappings for Select mode. The same as for Visual mode
- are used |Select-mode-mapping|.
- *map-overview* *map-modes*
- Overview of which map command works in which mode:
- commands: modes: ~
- Normal Visual Operator-pending ~
- :map :noremap :unmap :mapclear yes yes yes
- :nmap :nnoremap :nunmap :nmapclear yes - -
- :vmap :vnoremap :vunmap :vmapclear - yes -
- :omap :onoremap :ounmap :omapclear - - yes
- Insert Command-line Lang-Arg ~
- :map! :noremap! :unmap! :mapclear! yes yes -
- :imap :inoremap :iunmap :imapclear yes - -
- :cmap :cnoremap :cunmap :cmapclear - yes -
- :lmap :lnoremap :lunmap :lmapclear yes* yes* yes*
- The original Vi did not have separate mappings for
- Normal/Visual/Operator-pending mode and for Insert/Command-line mode.
- Therefore the ":map" and ":map!" commands enter and display mappings for
- several modes. In Vim you can use the ":nmap", ":vmap", ":omap", ":cmap" and
- ":imap" commands to enter mappings for each mode separately.
- To enter a mapping for Normal and Visual mode, but not Operator-pending mode,
- first define it for all three modes, then unmap it for Operator-pending mode:
- :map xx something-difficult
- :ounmap xx
- Likewise for a mapping for Visual and Operator-pending mode or Normal and
- Operator-pending mode.
- *language-mapping*
- ":lmap" defines a mapping that applies to Insert and Command-line mode, the
- argument of the commands that accept a text character, when entering a search
- pattern and for the input() line. Generally: Whenever a character is to be
- typed that is inserted in the text, not a Vim command character. "Lang-Arg"
- isn't really another mode, it's just used here for this situation.
- The simplest way to load a set of related language mappings is by using the
- 'keymap' option. See |45.5|.
- In Insert mode and in Command-line mode the mappings can be disabled with
- the CTRL-^ command |i_CTRL-^| |c_CTRL-^|. When starting to enter a normal
- command line (not a search pattern) the mappings are disabled until a CTRL-^
- is typed. The state last used is remembered for Insert mode and Search
- patterns separately. The state for Insert mode is also used when typing a
- character as an argument to command like "f" or "t".
- When adding a ":lmap" mapping the use of these mappings in Insert mode and
- for Search patterns will be switched on.
- Language mappings will never be applied to already mapped characters. They
- are only used for typed characters. This assumes that the language mapping
- was already done when typing the mapping.
- *map-multibyte*
- It is possible to map multibyte characters, but only the whole character. You
- cannot map the first byte only. This was done to prevent problems in this
- scenario: >
- :set encoding=latin1
- :imap <M-C> foo
- :set encoding=utf-8
- The mapping for <M-C> is defined with the latin1 encoding, resulting in a 0xc3
- byte. If you type the character á (0xea <M-a>) in UTF-8 encoding this is the
- two bytes 0xc3 0xa1. You don't want the 0xc3 byte to be mapped then,
- otherwise it would be impossible to type the á character.
- *map-listing*
- When listing mappings the characters in the first two columns are:
- <Space> Normal, Visual and Operator-pending
- n Normal
- v Visual
- o Operator-pending
- ! Insert and Command-line
- i Insert
- l ":lmap" mappings for Insert, Command-line and Lang-Arg
- c Command-line
- Just before the {rhs} a special character can appear:
- * indicates that it is not remappable
- & indicates that only script-local mappings are remappable
- @ indicates a buffer-local mapping
- Everything from the first non-blank after {lhs} up to the end of the line
- (or '|') is considered to be part of {rhs}. This allows the {rhs} to end
- with a space.
- Note: When using mappings for Visual mode, you can use the "'<" mark, which
- is the start of the last selected Visual area in the current buffer |'<|.
- *map_backslash*
- Note that only CTRL-V is mentioned here as a special character for mappings
- and abbreviations. When 'cpoptions' does not contain 'B', a backslash can
- also be used like CTRL-V. The <> notation can be fully used then |<>|. But
- you cannot use "<C-V>" like CTRL-V to escape the special meaning of what
- follows.
- To map a backslash, or use a backslash literally in the {rhs}, the special
- sequence "<Bslash>" can be used. This avoids the need to double backslashes
- when using nested mappings.
- *map-ambiguous*
- When two mappings start with the same sequence of characters, they are
- ambiguous. Example: >
- :imap aa foo
- :imap aaa bar
- When Vim has read "aa", it will need to get another character to be able to
- decide if "aa" or "aaa" should be mapped. This means that after typing "aa"
- that mapping won't get expanded yet, Vim is waiting for another character.
- If you type a space, then "foo" will get inserted, plus the space. If you
- type "a", then "bar" will get inserted.
- {Vi does not allow ambiguous mappings}
- *map_CTRL_C*
- It's not possible to use a CTRL-C in the {lhs}. You just can't map CTRL-C.
- The reason is that CTRL-C must always be available to break a running command.
- Exception: When using the GUI version on MS-Windows CTRL-C can be mapped to
- allow a Copy command to the clipboard. Use CTRL-Break to interrupt Vim.
- *map_space_in_lhs*
- To include a space in {lhs} precede it with a CTRL-V (type two CTRL-Vs for
- each space).
- *map_space_in_rhs*
- If you want a {rhs} that starts with a space, use "<Space>". To be fully Vi
- compatible (but unreadable) don't use the |<>| notation, precede {rhs} with a
- single CTRL-V (you have to type CTRL-V two times).
- *map_empty_rhs*
- You can create an empty {rhs} by typing nothing after a single CTRL-V (you
- have to type CTRL-V two times). Unfortunately, you cannot do this in a vimrc
- file.
- *<Nop>*
- A easier way to get a mapping that doesn't produce anything, is to use "<Nop>"
- for the {rhs}. This only works when the |<>| notation is enabled. For
- example, to make sure that function key 8 does nothing at all: >
- :map <F8> <Nop>
- :map! <F8> <Nop>
- <
- *<Leader>* *mapleader*
- To define a mapping which uses the "mapleader" variable, the special string
- "<Leader>" can be used. It is replaced with the string value of "mapleader".
- If "mapleader" is not set or empty, a backslash is used instead. Example: >
- :map <Leader>A oanother line<Esc>
- Works like: >
- :map \A oanother line<Esc>
- But after: >
- :let mapleader = ","
- It works like: >
- :map ,A oanother line<Esc>
- Note that the value of "mapleader" is used at the moment the mapping is
- defined. Changing "mapleader" after that has no effect for already defined
- mappings.
- *<LocalLeader>* *maplocalleader*
- Just like <Leader>, except that it uses "maplocalleader" instead of
- "mapleader". <LocalLeader> is to be used for mappings which are local to a
- buffer. Example: >
- :map <LocalLeader>q \DoItNow
- <
- In a global plugin <Leader> should be used and in a filetype plugin
- <LocalLeader>. "mapleader" and "maplocalleader" can be equal. Although, if
- you make them different, there is a smaller chance of mappings from global
- plugins to clash with mappings for filetype plugins. For example, you could
- keep "mapleader" at the default backslash, and set "maplocalleader" to an
- underscore.
- *map-<SID>*
- In a script the special key name "<SID>" can be used to define a mapping
- that's local to the script. See |<SID>| for details.
- *<Plug>*
- The special key name "<Plug>" can be used for an internal mapping, which is
- not to be matched with any key sequence. This is useful in plugins
- |write-plugin|.
- *<Char>* *<Char->*
- To map a character by its decimal, octal or hexadecimal number the <Char>
- construct can be used:
- <Char-123> character 123
- <Char-033> character 27
- <Char-0x7f> character 127
- This is useful to specify a (multi-byte) character in a 'keymap' file.
- Upper and lowercase differences are ignored.
- *map-comments*
- It is not possible to put a comment after these commands, because the '"'
- character is considered to be part of the {lhs} or {rhs}.
- *map_bar*
- Since the '|' character is used to separate a map command from the next
- command, you will have to do something special to include a '|' in {rhs}.
- There are three methods:
- use works when example ~
- <Bar> '<' is not in 'cpoptions' :map _l :!ls <Bar> more^M
- \| 'b' is not in 'cpoptions' :map _l :!ls \| more^M
- ^V| always, in Vim and Vi :map _l :!ls ^V| more^M
- (here ^V stands for CTRL-V; to get one CTRL-V you have to type it twice; you
- cannot use the <> notation "<C-V>" here).
- All three work when you use the default setting for 'cpoptions'.
- When 'b' is present in 'cpoptions', "\|" will be recognized as a mapping
- ending in a '\' and then another command. This is Vi compatible, but
- illogical when compared to other commands.
- *map_return*
- When you have a mapping that contains an Ex command, you need to put a line
- terminator after it to have it executed. The use of <CR> is recommended for
- this (see |<>|). Example: >
- :map _ls :!ls -l %<CR>:echo "the end"<CR>
- To avoid mapping of the characters you type in insert or Command-line mode,
- type a CTRL-V first. The mapping in Insert mode is disabled if the 'paste'
- option is on.
- Note that when an error is encountered (that causes an error message) the rest
- of the mapping is not executed. This is Vi-compatible.
- Note that the second character (argument) of the commands @zZtTfF[]rm'`"v
- and CTRL-X is not mapped. This was done to be able to use all the named
- registers and marks, even when the command with the same name has been
- mapped.
- *map-which-keys*
- If you are going to map something, you will need to choose which key(s) to use
- for the {lhs}. You will have to avoid keys that are used for Vim commands,
- otherwise you would not be able to use those commands anymore. Here are a few
- suggestions:
- - Function keys <F2>, <F3>, etc.. Also the shifted function keys <S-F1>,
- <S-F2>, etc. Note that <F1> is already used for the help command.
- - Meta-keys (with the ALT key pressed).
- - Use the '_' or ',' character and then any other character. The "_" and ","
- commands do exist in Vim (see |_| and |,|), but you probably never use them.
- - Use a key that is a synonym for another command. For example: CTRL-P and
- CTRL-N. Use an extra character to allow more mappings.
- See the file "index" for keys that are not used and thus can be mapped without
- losing any builtin function. You can also use ":help {key}^D" to find out if
- a key is used for some command. ({key} is the specific key you want to find
- out about, ^D is CTRL-D).
- *map-examples*
- A few examples (given as you type them, for "<CR>" you type four characters;
- the '<' flag must not be present in 'cpoptions' for this to work). >
- :map <F3> o#include
- :map <M-g> /foo<CR>cwbar<Esc>
- :map _x d/END/e<CR>
- :map! qq quadrillion questions
- <
- *map-typing*
- Vim will compare what you type with the start of a mapped sequence. If there
- is an incomplete match, it will get more characters until there either is a
- complete match or until there is no match at all. Example: If you map! "qq",
- the first 'q' will not appear on the screen until you type another
- character. This is because Vim cannot know if the next character will be a
- 'q' or not. If the 'timeout' option is on (which is the default) Vim will
- only wait for one second (or as long as specified with the 'timeoutlen'
- option). After that it assumes that the 'q' is to be interpreted as such. If
- you type slowly, or your system is slow, reset the 'timeout' option. Then you
- might want to set the 'ttimeout' option.
- *map-keys-fails*
- There is one situation where key codes might not be recognized:
- - Vim can only read part of the key code. Mostly this is only the first
- character. This happens on some Unix versions in an xterm.
- - The key code is after character(s) that are mapped. E.g., "<F1><F1>" or
- "g<F1>".
- The result is that the key code is not recognized in this situation, and the
- mapping fails.
- There are two actions needed to avoid this problem:
- - Remove the 'K' flag from 'cpoptions'. This will make Vim wait for the rest
- of the characters of the function key.
- - When using <F1> to <F4> the actual key code generated may correspond to
- <xF1> to <xF4>. There are mappings from <xF1> to <F1>, <xF2> to <F2>, etc.,
- but these are not recognized after another half a mapping. Make sure the
- key codes for <F1> to <F4> are correct: >
- :set <F1>=<type CTRL-V><type F1>
- < Type the <F1> as four characters. The part after the "=" must be done with
- the actual keys, not the literal text.
- Another solution is to use the actual key code in the mapping for the second
- special key: >
- :map <F1><Esc>OP :echo "yes"<CR>
- Don't type a real <Esc>, Vim will recognize the key code and replace it with
- <F1> anyway.
- *recursive_mapping*
- If you include the {lhs} in the {rhs} you have a recursive mapping. When
- {lhs} is typed, it will be replaced with {rhs}. When the {lhs} which is
- included in {rhs} is encountered it will be replaced with {rhs}, and so on.
- This makes it possible to repeat a command an infinite number of times. The
- only problem is that the only way to stop this is by causing an error. The
- macros to solve a maze uses this, look there for an example. There is one
- exception: If the {rhs} starts with {lhs}, the first character is not mapped
- again (this is Vi compatible).
- For example: >
- :map ab abcd
- will execute the "a" command and insert "bcd" in the text. The "ab" in the
- {rhs} will not be mapped again.
- If you want to exchange the meaning of two keys you should use the :noremap
- command. For example: >
- :noremap k j
- :noremap j k
- This will exchange the cursor up and down commands.
- With the normal :map command, when the 'remap' option is on, mapping takes
- place until the text is found not to be a part of a {lhs}. For example, if
- you use: >
- :map x y
- :map y x
- Vim will replace x with y, and then y with x, etc. When this has happened
- 'maxmapdepth' times (default 1000), Vim will give the error message
- "recursive mapping".
- *:map-undo*
- If you include an undo command inside a mapped sequence, this will bring the
- text back in the state before executing the macro. This is compatible with
- the original Vi, as long as there is only one undo command in the mapped
- sequence (having two undo commands in a mapped sequence did not make sense
- in the original Vi, you would get back the text before the first undo).
- *:map-special-keys*
- There are three ways to map a special key:
- 1. The Vi-compatible method: Map the key code. Often this is a sequence that
- starts with <Esc>. To enter a mapping like this you type ":map " and then
- you have to type CTRL-V before hitting the function key. Note that when
- the key code for the key is in the termcap (the t_ options), it will
- automatically be translated into the internal code and become the second
- way of mapping (unless the 'k' flag is included in 'cpoptions').
- 2. The second method is to use the internal code for the function key. To
- enter such a mapping type CTRL-K and then hit the function key, or use
- the form "#1", "#2", .. "#9", "#0", "<Up>", "<S-Down>", "<S-F7>", etc.
- (see table of keys |key-notation|, all keys from <Up> can be used). The
- first ten function keys can be defined in two ways: Just the number, like
- "#2", and with "<F>", like "<F2>". Both stand for function key 2. "#0"
- refers to function key 10, defined with option 't_f10', which may be
- function key zero on some keyboards. The <> form cannot be used when
- 'cpoptions' includes the '<' flag.
- 3. Use the termcap entry, with the form <t_xx>, where "xx" is the name of the
- termcap entry. Any string entry can be used. For example: >
- :map <t_F3> G
- < Maps function key 13 to "G". This does not work if 'cpoptions' includes
- the '<' flag.
- The advantage of the second and third method is that the mapping will work on
- different terminals without modification (the function key will be
- translated into the same internal code or the actual key code, no matter what
- terminal you are using. The termcap must be correct for this to work, and you
- must use the same mappings).
- DETAIL: Vim first checks if a sequence from the keyboard is mapped. If it
- isn't the terminal key codes are tried (see |terminal-options|). If a
- terminal code is found it is replaced with the internal code. Then the check
- for a mapping is done again (so you can map an internal code to something
- else). What is written into the script file depends on what is recognized.
- If the terminal key code was recognized as a mapping the key code itself is
- written to the script file. If it was recognized as a terminal code the
- internal code is written to the script file.
- ==============================================================================
- 2. Abbreviations *abbreviations* *Abbreviations*
- Abbreviations are used in Insert mode, Replace mode and Command-line mode.
- If you enter a word that is an abbreviation, it is replaced with the word it
- stands for. This can be used to save typing for often used long words. And
- you can use it to automatically correct obvious spelling errors.
- Examples:
- :iab ms MicroSoft
- :iab tihs this
- There are three types of abbreviations:
- full-id The "full-id" type consists entirely of keyword characters (letters
- and characters from 'iskeyword' option). This is the most common
- abbreviation.
- Examples: "foo", "g3", "-1"
- end-id The "end-id" type ends in a keyword character, but all the other
- characters are not keyword characters.
- Examples: "#i", "..f", "$/7"
- non-id The "non-id" type ends in a non-keyword character, the other
- characters may be of any type, excluding space and Tab. {this type
- is not supported by Vi}
- Examples: "def#", "4/7$"
- Examples of strings that cannot be abbreviations: "a.b", "#def", "a b", "_$r"
- An abbreviation is only recognized when you type a non-keyword character.
- This can also be the <Esc> that ends insert mode or the <CR> that ends a
- command. The non-keyword character which ends the abbreviation is inserted
- after the expanded abbreviation. An exception to this is the character <C-]>,
- which is used to expand an abbreviation without inserting any extra
- characters.
- Example: >
- :ab hh hello
- < "hh<Space>" is expanded to "hello<Space>"
- "hh<C-]>" is expanded to "hello"
- The characters before the cursor must match the abbreviation. Each type has
- an additional rule:
- full-id In front of the match is a non-keyword character, or this is where
- the line or insertion starts. Exception: When the abbreviation is
- only one character, it is not recognized if there is a non-keyword
- character in front of it, other than a space or a <Tab>.
- end-id In front of the match is a keyword character, or a space or a <Tab>,
- or this is where the line or insertion starts.
- non-id In front of the match is a space, <Tab> or the start of the line or
- the insertion.
- Examples: ({CURSOR} is where you type a non-keyword character) >
- :ab foo four old otters
- < " foo{CURSOR}" is expanded to " four old otters"
- " foobar{CURSOR}" is not expanded
- "barfoo{CURSOR}" is not expanded
- >
- :ab #i #include
- < "#i{CURSOR}" is expanded to "#include"
- ">#i{CURSOR}" is not expanded
- >
- :ab ;; <endofline>"
- < "test;;" is not expanded
- "test ;;" is expanded to "test <endofline>"
- To avoid the abbreviation in insert mode: Type part of the abbreviation, exit
- insert mode with <Esc>, re-enter insert mode with "a" and type the rest. Or
- type CTRL-V before the character after the abbreviation.
- To avoid the abbreviation in Command-line mode: Type CTRL-V twice somewhere in
- the abbreviation to avoid it to be replaced. A CTRL-V in front of a normal
- character is mostly ignored otherwise.
- It is possible to move the cursor after an abbreviation: >
- :iab if if ()<Left>
- This does not work if 'cpoptions' includes the '<' flag. |<>|
- There are no default abbreviations.
- Abbreviations are never recursive. You can use ":ab f f-o-o" without any
- problem. But abbreviations can be mapped. {some versions of Vi support
- recursive abbreviations, for no apparent reason}
- Abbreviations are disabled if the 'paste' option is on.
- *:abbreviate-local* *:abbreviate-<buffer>*
- Just like mappings, abbreviations can be local to a buffer. This is mostly
- used in a |filetype-plugin| file. Example for a C plugin file: >
- :abb <buffer> FF for (i = 0; i < ; ++i)
- <
- *:ab* *:abbreviate*
- :ab[breviate] list all abbreviations. The character in the first
- column indicates the mode where the abbreviation is
- used: 'i' for insert mode, 'c' for Command-line
- mode, '!' for both.
- :ab[breviate] {lhs} list the abbreviations that start with {lhs}
- :ab[breviate] {lhs} {rhs}
- add abbreviation for {lhs} to {rhs}. If {lhs} already
- existed it is replaced with the new {rhs}. {rhs} may
- contain spaces.
- *:una* *:unabbreviate*
- :una[bbreviate] {lhs} remove abbreviation for {lhs} from the list
- *:norea* *:noreabbrev*
- :norea[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs]
- same as ":ab", but no remapping for this {rhs} {not
- in Vi}
- *:ca* *:cabbrev*
- :ca[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs] same as ":ab", but for Command-line mode only. {not
- in Vi}
- *:cuna* *:cunabbrev*
- :cuna[bbrev] {lhs} same as ":una", but for Command-line mode only. {not
- in Vi}
- *:cnorea* *:cnoreabbrev*
- :cnorea[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs]
- same as ":ab", but for Command-line mode only and no
- remapping for this {rhs} {not in Vi}
- *:ia* *:iabbrev*
- :ia[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs] same as ":ab", but for Insert mode only. {not in Vi}
- *:iuna* *:iunabbrev*
- :iuna[bbrev] {lhs} same as ":una", but for insert mode only. {not in
- Vi}
- *:inorea* *:inoreabbrev*
- :inorea[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs]
- same as ":ab", but for Insert mode only and no
- remapping for this {rhs} {not in Vi}
- *:abc* *:abclear*
- :abc[lear] Remove all abbreviations. {not in Vi}
- *:iabc* *:iabclear*
- :iabc[lear] Remove all abbreviations for Insert mode. {not in Vi}
- *:cabc* *:cabclear*
- :cabc[lear] Remove all abbreviations for Command-line mode. {not
- in Vi}
- *using_CTRL-V*
- It is possible to use special characters in the rhs of an abbreviation.
- CTRL-V has to be used to avoid the special meaning of most non printable
- characters. How many CTRL-Vs need to be typed depends on how you enter the
- abbreviation. This also applies to mappings. Let's use an example here.
- Suppose you want to abbreviate "esc" to enter an <Esc> character. When you
- type the ":ab" command in Vim, you have to enter this: (here ^V is a CTRL-V
- and ^[ is <Esc>)
- You type: ab esc ^V^V^V^V^V^[
- All keyboard input is subjected to ^V quote interpretation, so
- the first, third, and fifth ^V characters simply allow the second,
- and fourth ^Vs, and the ^[, to be entered into the command-line.
- You see: ab esc ^V^V^[
- The command-line contains two actual ^Vs before the ^[. This is
- how it should appear in your .exrc file, if you choose to go that
- route. The first ^V is there to quote the second ^V; the :ab
- command uses ^V as its own quote character, so you can include quoted
- whitespace or the | character in the abbreviation. The :ab command
- doesn't do anything special with the ^[ character, so it doesn't need
- to be quoted. (Although quoting isn't harmful; that's why typing 7
- [but not 8!] ^Vs works.)
- Stored as: esc ^V^[
- After parsing, the abbreviation's short form ("esc") and long form
- (the two characters "^V^[") are stored in the abbreviation table.
- If you give the :ab command with no arguments, this is how the
- abbreviation will be displayed.
- Later, when the abbreviation is expanded because the user typed in
- the word "esc", the long form is subjected to the same type of
- ^V interpretation as keyboard input. So the ^V protects the ^[
- character from being interpreted as the "exit input-mode" character.
- Instead, the ^[ is inserted into the text.
- Expands to: ^[
- [example given by Steve Kirkendall]
- ==============================================================================
- 3. Local mappings and functions *script-local*
- When using several Vim script files, there is the danger that mappings and
- functions used in one script use the same name as in other scripts. To avoid
- this, they can be made local to the script.
- *<SID>* *<SNR>* *E81*
- The string "<SID>" can be used in a mapping or menu. This requires that the
- '<' flag is not present in 'cpoptions'.
- When executing the map command, Vim will replace "<SID>" with the special
- key code <SNR>, followed by a number that's unique for the script, and an
- underscore. Example: >
- :map <SID>Add
- could define a mapping "<SNR>23_Add".
- When defining a function in a script, "s:" can be prepended to the name to
- make it local to the script. But when a mapping is executed from outside of
- the script, it doesn't know in which script the function was defined. To
- avoid this problem, use "<SID>" instead of "s:". The same translation is done
- as for mappings. This makes it possible to define a call to the function in
- mapping.
- When a local function is executed, it runs in the context of the script it was
- defined in. This means that new functions and mappings it defines can also
- use "s:" or "<SID>" and it will use the same unique number as when the
- function itself was defined. Also, the "s:var" local script variables can be
- used.
- When executing an autocommand or a user command, it will run in the context of
- the script it was defined in. This makes it possible that the command calls a
- local function or uses a local mapping.
- Otherwise, using "<SID>" outside of a script context is an error.
- If you need to get the script number to use in a complicated script, you can
- use this trick: >
- :map <SID>xx <SID>xx
- :let s:sid = maparg("<SID>xx")
- :unmap <SID>xx
- And remove the trailing "xx".
- The "<SNR>" will be shown when listing functions and mappings. This is useful
- to find out what they are defined to.
- The |:scriptnames| command can be used to see which scripts have been sourced
- and what their <SNR> number is.
- This is all {not in Vi} and {not available when compiled without the +eval
- feature}.
- ==============================================================================
- 4. User-defined commands *user-commands*
- It is possible to define your own Ex commands. A user-defined command can act
- just like a built-in command (it can have a range or arguments, arguments can
- be completed as filenames or buffer names, etc), except that when the command
- is executed, it is transformed into a normal ex command and then executed.
- For starters: See section |40.2| in the user manual.
- *E183*
- All user defined commands must start with an uppercase letter, to avoid
- confusion with builtin commands. (There are a few builtin commands, notably
- :Next, :Print and :X, which do start with an uppercase letter. The builtin
- will always take precedence in these cases). The other characters of the user
- command can be uppercase letters, lowercase letters or digits. When using
- digits, note that other commands that take a numeric argument may become
- ambiguous. For example, the command ":Cc2" could be the user command ":Cc2"
- without an argument, or the command ":Cc" with argument "2". It is advised to
- put a space between the command name and the argument to avoid these problems.
- When using a user-defined command, the command can be abbreviated. However, if
- an abbreviation is not unique, an error will be issued. Furthermore, a
- built-in command will always take precedence.
- Example: >
- :command Rename ...
- :command Renumber ...
- :Rena " Means "Rename"
- :Renu " Means "Renumber"
- :Ren " Error - ambiguous
- :command Paste ...
- :P " The built-in :Print
- It is recommended that full names for user-defined commands are used in
- scripts.
- :com[mand] *:com* *:command*
- List all user-defined commands. When listing commands,
- the characters in the first two columns are
- ! Command has the -bang attribute
- " Command has the -register attribute
- b Command is local to current buffer
- (see below for details on attributes)
- :com[mand] {cmd} List the user-defined commands that start with {cmd}
- *E174* *E182*
- :com[mand][!] [{attr}...] {cmd} {rep}
- Define a user command. The name of the command is
- {cmd} and its replacement text is {rep}. The command's
- attributes (see below) are {attr}. If the command
- already exists, an error is reported, unless a ! is
- specified, in which case the command is redefined.
- :delc[ommand] {cmd} *:delc* *:delcommand* *E184*
- Delete the user-defined command {cmd}.
- :comc[lear] *:comc* *:comclear*
- Delete all user-defined commands.
- Command attributes
- User-defined commands are treated by Vim just like any other ex commands. They
- can have arguments, or have a range specified. Arguments are subject to
- completion as filenames, buffers, etc. Exactly how this works depends upon the
- command's attributes, which are specified when the command is defined.
- There are a number of attributes, split into four categories: argument
- handling, completion behavior, range handling, and special cases. The
- attributes are described below, by category.
- Argument handling *E175* *E176*
- By default, a user defined command will take no arguments (and an error is
- reported if any are supplied). However, it is possible to specify that the
- command can take arguments, using the -nargs attribute. Valid cases are:
- -nargs=0 No arguments are allowed (the default)
- -nargs=1 Exactly one argument is required
- -nargs=* Any number of arguments are allowed (0, 1, or many)
- -nargs=? 0 or 1 arguments are allowed
- -nargs=+ Arguments must be supplied, but any number are allowed
- Arguments are considered to be separated by (unescaped) spaces or Tabs in this
- context.
- Completion behavior *:command-completion*
- *E179* *E180* *E181*
- By default, the arguments of user defined commands do not undergo completion.
- However, by specifying one or the other of the following attributes, argument
- completion can be enabled:
- -complete=augroup autocmd groups
- -complete=buffer buffer names
- -complete=command Ex command (and arguments)
- -complete=dir directory names
- -complete=environment environment variable names
- -complete=event autocommand events
- -complete=expression Vim expression
- -complete=file file and directory names
- -complete=function function name
- -complete=help help subjects
- -complete=highlight highlight groups
- -complete=mapping mapping name
- -complete=menu menus
- -complete=option options
- -complete=tag tags
- -complete=tag_listfiles tags, file names are shown when CTRL-D is hit
- -complete=var user variables
- Range handling *E177* *E178*
- By default, user-defined commands do not accept a line number range. However,
- it is possible to specify that the command does take a range (the -range
- attribute), or that it takes an arbitrary count value, either in the line
- number position (-range=N, like the |:split| command) or as a "count"
- argument (-count=N, like the |:Next| command). Possible attributes are:
- -range Range allowed, default is current line
- -range=% Range allowed, default is whole file (1,$)
- -range=N A count (default N) which is specified in the line
- number position (like |:split|)
- -count=N A count (default N) which is specified either in the line
- number position, or as an initial argument (like |:Next|)
- Specifying -count (without a default) acts like -count=0
- Note that -range=N and -count=N are mutually exclusive - only one should be
- specified.
- Special cases
- There are some special cases as well:
- -bang The command can take a ! modifier (like :q or :w)
- -bar The command can be followed by a "|" and another command.
- A "|" inside the command argument is not allowed then.
- Also checks for a " to start a comment.
- -register The first argument to the command can be an optional
- register name (like :del, :put, :yank).
- -buffer The command will only be available in the current buffer.
- In the cases of the -count and -register attributes, if the optional argument
- is supplied, it is removed from the argument list and is available to the
- replacement text separately.
- Replacement text
- The replacement text for a user defined command is scanned for special escape
- sequences, using <...> notation. Escape sequences are replaced with values
- from the entered command line, and all other text is copied unchanged. The
- resulting string is executed as an Ex command. If the initial < of an escape
- sequence is preceded by a backslash, the sequence is copied unchanged.
- The valid escape sequences are
- *<line1>*
- <line1> The starting line of the command range.
- *<line2>*
- <line2> The final line of the command range.
- *<count>*
- <count> Any count supplied (as described for the '-range'
- and '-count' attributes).
- *<bang>*
- <bang> (See the '-bang' attribute) Expands to a ! if the
- command was executed with a ! modifier, otherwise
- expands to nothing.
- *<reg>* *<register>*
- <reg> (See the '-register' attribute) The optional register,
- if specified. Otherwise, expands to nothing. <register>
- is a synonym for this.
- *<args>*
- <args> The command arguments, exactly as supplied (but as
- noted above, any count or register can consume some
- of the arguments, which are then not part of <args>).
- <lt> A single '<' (Less-Than) character. This is needed if you
- want to get a literal copy of one of these escape sequences
- into the expansion - for example, to get <bang>, use
- <lt>bang>.
- If the first two characters of an escape sequence are "q-" (for example,
- <q-args>) then the value is quoted in such a way as to make it a valid value
- for use in an expression. This uses the argument as one single value.
- To allow commands to pass their arguments on to a user-defined function, there
- is a special form <f-args> ("function args"). This splits the command
- arguments at spaces and Tabs, quotes each argument individually, and the
- <f-args> sequence is replaced by the comma-separated list of quoted arguments.
- See the Mycmd example below. When there is no argument, <f-args> also has no
- argument.
- Examples >
- " Delete everything after here to the end
- :com Ddel +,$d
- " Rename the current buffer
- :com -nargs=1 -bang -complete=file Ren f <args>|w<bang>
- " Replace a range with the contents of a file
- " (Enter this all as one line)
- :com -range -nargs=1 -complete=file
- Replace <line1>-pu_|<line1>,<line2>d|r <args>|<line1>d
- " Count the number of lines in the range
- :com! -range -nargs=0 Lines :echo <line2> - <line1> + 1 "lines"
- " Call a user function (example of <f-args>)
- :com -nargs=* Mycmd call Myfunc(<f-args>)
- When executed as: >
- :Mycmd arg1 arg2
- This will invoke: >
- :call Myfunc("arg1","arg2")
- :" A more substantial example
- :function Allargs(command)
- : let i = 0
- : while i < argc()
- : if filereadable(argv(i))
- : execute "e " . argv(i)
- : execute a:command
- : endif
- : let i = i + 1
- : endwhile
- :endfunction
- :command -nargs=+ -complete=command Allargs call Allargs(<q-args>)
- The command Allargs takes any Vim command(s) as argument and executes it on all
- files in the argument list. Usage example (note use of the "e" flag to ignore
- errors and the "update" command to write modified buffers): >
- :Allargs %s/foo/bar/ge|update
- This will invoke: >
- :call Allargs("%s/foo/bar/ge|update")
- <
- When defining an user command in a script, it will be able to call functions
- local to the script and use mappings local to the script. When the user
- invokes the user command, it will run in the context of the script it was
- defined in. This matters if |<SID>| is used in a command.
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: